Monday, March 26, 2007

88 Degrees...'s now OFFICIALLY Spring (really feels like Summer), but I won't be complaining. Anything's better than cold weather. We just returned from Spring Break and a week long camping trip. We visited several places and had no set plan. We ended the week at my mom's house and celebrated some family birthdays. We have all been feeling well and excited about things to come. I am proud of myself for sticking to my exercise routine and I swear I will be bikini ready in time for our first beach trip this year. My goal was to pack on some muscle weight and so far, so good. Anyway, Marshall is coming to visit tomorrow and we have another camping trip planned. Soon after that Hallie will be starting softball (coach pitch this year...yea!), working on her orange belt test in karate and Ethan will be taking swimming lessons at the YMCA. In May we have our annual Destin, FL trip...the day school is out, we're gone! In June, we are all flying to California for a week to see Alex graduate from high school and we will also be going to Disneyland, SeaWorld, and visiting with close friends. After that, Alex will be coming to Alabama to stay!! What could be better? As you can see, we have a lot to look forward to and a lot to be thankful for! I hope all of you are having a wonderful Spring as well!