Friday, August 18, 2006

Book MeMe

1. One book that changed your life. "Cosmic Codes" by Chuck Missler

2. One book you've read more than once. "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" by Betty Smith. I have read this book about 4-6 times a year since I was 14 years old.

3. One book you would want on a desert island. "The Problem of Pain" by C.S. Lewis

4. One book that made you laugh. "The Nanny Diaries"

5. One book that made you cry. "The Bridges of Madison County"

6. One book that you wish had been written. The one I've been working on for two years!

7. One book you wish had never been written. "Mein Kampf"

8. One book you are currently reading. "Love and Other Impossible Pursuits"

9. One book you have been meaning to read. "The Road Less Travelled" by M. Scott Peck

10. Three people I tag to do this meme: Jana, Mel, Rachel

My Look-alikes...

Below are pictures of Scott when he was younger (well, he's always and Ethan. I think the resemblance is remarkable, especially considering they are half brothers. Of course, it helps that they both look just like Randy.



This picture posting problem is annoying. I am having to write my own html and I don't have time for this! Is anyone else having issues?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Random Thoughts

Just to let everyone know, Hallie is better today and will be able to go to school tomorrow. Thanks so much for your concern.

Okay, I don't know what is going on with Blogger, but I have been trying to post pictures all day with no luck. I really wanted to show ya'll Ethan's first day of preschool and soccer, but it just isn't working out. Maybe tomorrow...

Well, it looks like their may be five of us under one roof again. My stepson, Scott, has asked if he could move back home for a while so he can save money to buy a car and go back to school. Randy and I have talked about it and think we may agree. He has made a lot of positive strides lately and really seems to be headed in a good direction. He enjoys working for his dad and is actually very talented. I always knew he was intelligent, just challenged in certain areas. I am glad he has found a place he can excel. If we do this, the kids will be thrilled, especially Ethan. He cries like a baby every time Scott visits and then leaves. They also look a lot alike, which I could show you if I could POST PICTURES!!! Anyway, we are praying about it. We sure have missed him since he moved out. We'll see....

They arrested someone in the JonBenet murder. I have to say, the police and DA's that terrorized that family for so long ought to be hung out to dry. I never thought those parents were guilty and I cannot imagine losing a child and then having to deal with that crap. I'm ready for some justice, how about you?

Okay, I'm tired. I hope you enjoyed this post consisting of four totally disjointed topics. Night-night!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A Post About Nothing

Well, nothing terribly exciting, anyway. I was up all night with Hallie who had nausea and fever. I "slept" in the guest/Marshall's room (who left on Sunday,BTW) next to Hallie's room, but I really didn't get much rest. I am always on edge when I have a sick child, especially when they tend to run fevers of 104+. Anyway, I hate that she had to miss school so early in the year, but such is life I suppose. We spent all morning in the doctor's office just to make sure it wasn't strep since she was also complaining of a sore throat. It wasn't...thank goodness, but I really do not like the nurse that swabbed her throat. Hallie was naturally not doing cartwheels over the whole thing so the lady told her she would call "Mr. Reynolds" (think huge bouncer type) from the lab to hold her down and it would take "a lot longer than 3 seconds." In other words, lets make my already fearful child even more terrified by threatening her with the Incredible Hulk. Hallie even complimented her on her Poohbear scrubs and she pretty much ignored her. Not cool.

Well, Hallie seems to be feeling better but still has a fever. I think we are all going to lie down and rest. I wanted to post pictures from Ethan's first day of preschool and soccer, but I can't go downstairs right now. Maybe later...